Sunday, 18 November 2007

Turning points

Does life really have turning points? Singular events where our existence changes its course? Healing revelations? I wonder about this, because it sounds both reasonable and appealing. But those times I’ve had such experiences myself, they’ve been rather brief. The feelings of revelation have gone away, life has continued in much the same manner as before. The real changes happen more quietly. And life doesn’t really follow one course, does it? It takes multiple paths, most of us are many people at once.

Stories have turning points. Life-shaking experiences are the very motor of a drama. Stories start with, end with, and revolve around these turning points – at least, that’s what they teach us in writing class. And stories do have something to do with the way we perceive our lives… Some events are certainly remembered as turning points, the day we realized something about ourselves, conquered an inner demon, made an important choice. But then again, much of memory is constructed.

I would really like to know if these turning points actually exist… because they are what seemed most appealing to me about being a psychotherapist. To be there at one of the most important moments of a person’s life, to be part of something unusual, maybe even a bit responsible for it. To work together to create something of existential meaning. Like in a book by Irvin Yalom. I hadn’t even read Yalom when I started out as a Psychology student, but still I was worried, perhaps even a bit disappointed, when I heard in the introductory speech: That in the future, psychotherapy might become quicker, easier, and not as existentially meaningful than in the movies and books.

Things have changed. I’m not going to become a therapist after all. Actually, I might very well become a client. So my own interests have changed somewhat. I now hope that I can find therapy that will be quicker, easier, and not as existentially meaningful than in the movies and books. Illusory turning points, I’ve had a lot of those, but not so many real ones. I want the kind of changes that happen more quietly – but whose effects I can notice.

So, there is a conflict of interest between me before, and me today. When I thought I was going to be a therapist, I didn’t want to think that therapy could be easier than in the movies, that confessions, revelations, and turning points wasn’t really the essence of it all, that I wouldn’t necessarily fulfil my dream of being a participant in other people’s defining moments of existence. And maybe I’m not that unique, maybe everyone who wants to treat someone should ask themselves if they share the dream, and how it affects their view of therapy. Because it would be a bit disgusting really, to prolong someone’s paint just to be there when it goes away.

I wrote this poem in Norwegian, about so-called empathy. I can’t really translate the rhyme that makes it work, but the content is something like: She wants a kitten/a tiny thing/that she can hurt/and then give comfort. It’s strange, because I suddenly saw the meaning of that poem, now in this context. It was a small revelation. But not much of a turning point.

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