Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Nature vs. nurture

It would appear there is still heavy debate around the question of whether nature, nurture, or some sort of mixture, forms the foundation of human nature. Even though theoretical and empirical progress has been made (that the respective sides maintain their right to ignore on ideological basis), I myself is not clever enough to stand firmly on any conclusion. But I lean towards ”some sort of mixture,” particularly the ”some sort”-bit. However, I can take the time to resolve a far more important issue. In the following, I will outline all the important ethical implications that would follow if we should turn out to be products of nature or nurture, respectively:

And with that said, I wish my readers a happy summer or winter, depending on which hemisphere they are in, and of course each according to their nature.

Thursday, 24 January 2008


According to Discovery News, scientists have finally managed to get some images of what, as I understand it, appears to be giant undersea waves, in the moment of breaking. This is supposed to have important implications for global climate research.

I know nearly nothing about this subject, and will not try to say anything clever about it. I publish the link because of the poetry inherent in pictures of natural phenomena that are both elusive, and on a great scale. If any oceanographers are reading this, feel free to teach me!